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The worst things about Mallorca: safety concerns & places to avoid

Chinese Massage Parlors on Street in Palma de Mallorca.jpg


  1. Is Mallorca Safe for Holidays and Residency?

    1. Crime Rate in Mallorca

  2. Dangerous parts of Mallorca

    1. Top 10 Riskiest Neighborhoods in Palma de Mallorca

    2. Emergency contacts in Mallorca

  3. Places to Avoid in Mallorca

  4. Navigating Safety in Mallorca's Natural Wonders: Tips for Hiking and Swimming Excursions

    1. Hazardous Trails

    2. Perils of Beaches and Swimming

  5. Dangerous Creatures in Mallorca: Animals and Insects to Watch Out For

    1. Caterpillars

    2. Spiders, Scorpions, Scolopendras, and Mosquitoes

    3. Snakes

    4. Poisonous jellyfish in Mallorca

  6. Tips for Responsible Behavior During Your Mallorca Vacation

  7. Avoiding Tourist Mistakes and Pitfalls

  8. Frequently Asked Questions

  9. Conclusion

    1. Secure Deals Assured: Yes! Mallorca Property

Mallorca, also known as Majorca, is a renowned tourist destination that appeals to beach lovers and those interested in history and culture. This locale seamlessly integrates natural beauty with a diverse cultural legacy.

Given recent safety apprehensions in popular tourist destinations globally, travelers increasingly question the safety of visiting and residing in Mallorca. However, with awareness of areas to steer clear of and implementation of preventive measures, tourists can fully relish Mallorca's offerings while safeguarding their welfare.

Is Mallorca Safe for Holidays and Residency? 

Mallorca, renowned as a tourist haven, is generally considered a secure location for living and vacationing. Despite its myriad attractions and activities, visitors must remain aware of potential hazards and exercise caution to ensure a safe and enjoyable stay on the island.

In addition to its famed beaches and vibrant nightlife, Mallorca also harbours less appealing areas and safety concerns that warrant attention.

  • Crime in Mallorca

Mallorca boasts a relatively low crime rate, alleviating home invasions or car theft concerns. However, one prevalent issue for Mallorca tourists is the prevalence of pickpocketing and petty theft, particularly in crowded tourist hubs. Maintaining vigilance and safeguarding belongings is crucial to thwarting pickpocket thieves. While isolated incidents of violent crime do occur in Mallorca, they are infrequent and seldom target tourists. Like elsewhere on the island, being mindful of surroundings and taking requisite precautions is advisable.

  • Natural Disaster Risks in Mallorca

Mallorca is not prone to significant seismic activity or extreme weather events, rendering it relatively safe. Storms are rare and typically forecasted in advance. Nonetheless, exercising caution and common sense when exploring the island or swimming in the sea remains imperative.

Mallorca is widely regarded as a secure destination for both holidaymakers and expatriates. The island boasts a laid-back ambience, breathtaking beaches, delectable cuisine, and a rich cultural heritage that continues to entice visitors worldwide. Whether considering a trip to Mallorca or contemplating permanent residency, rest assured that with prudent precautions and sensible conduct, one can relish all this stunning island offers within a safe and secure environment.

Crime Rate in Mallorca

Comparing Safety Levels Across European Cities

Are you concerned about safety while in Mallorca? The island boasts a relatively low crime rate compared to other popular tourist destinations. According to data from the analytical portal Numbeo, the crime rate in Mallorca's capital, Palma, is notably lower than in major European capitals like London, Berlin, and Paris.








Crime Index: 







Safety Index:  







* The lower the Crime Index scores, the safer the location is

Let's delve deeper into the common safety concerns among tourists in Mallorca. Statistical analysis indicates that incidents of violent crimes associated with discrimination are rare on the island. Additionally, while the likelihood of car theft is low, it's important to remain cautious of purse theft, which remains a potential concern.

Crime rate in Palma de Mallorca according to analyses of official data and a survey of residents:




Level of crime



Worries about home broken and things stolen



Worries about being mugged or robbed



Worries car stolen



Worries about things from car stolen



Worries attacked



Worries being insulted



Worries about being subject to a physical attack because of your skin colour, ethnic origin, gender or religion


Very Low

Problem people using or dealing drugs



Problem property offences such as vandalism and theft



Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery



Problem corruption and bribery



In general, the police force in Mallorca is adequately equipped and trained to handle various potential issues. Moreover, there is a concerted effort to prioritize the safety of both residents and visitors.

Dangerous parts of Mallorca

empty Night street, Palma de Mallorca,Spain

Specific locations in Mallorca may pose unforeseen and less apparent risks. If you plan to visit these areas, consider the following recommendations.

  1. Maioris (Llucmajor): Situated in the municipality of Llucmajor, the Maioris neighbourhood has a history of violence and drug-related activities, making it one of the potentially hazardous areas on the island.

  2. Pont d'Inca (Marratxí): The municipality of Marratxi acknowledges the potential dangers associated with theft and criminal activities in the Pont d'Inca area.

  3. Son Ferrer (Calvià): Recognized for incidents of violence and crime, the Son Ferrer neighbourhood in Calvià is another area deemed unsafe in Mallorca.

  4. El Fortí (Magaluf): In the tourist hotspot of Magaluf, the El Fortí area occasionally reports offences. It is recommended to avoid walking alone or in small groups at night in this region and to exercise additional precautions. Vigilance is also advised when swimming and leaving personal items unattended on the beach should be avoided.

Top 10 Riskiest Neighborhoods in Palma de Mallorca

As the island's capital, Palma de Mallorca serves as its leading tourist destination and a cultural hotspot. While offering a plethora of historical landmarks and vibrant nightlife options, it's essential to note that certain areas in Palma de Mallorca are susceptible to criminal activities. Visitors should exercise caution, especially in regions experiencing increased theft and disturbances. Local advice includes avoiding secluded spots and maintaining vigilance, particularly in tourist zones prone to pickpocketing. Here's a rundown of neighbourhoods in Palma where extra caution is advised:

  1. Son Banya: Situated on the outskirts, Son Banya is recognized as a primary hub for drug distribution and exhibits a high crime rate.

  2. La Soledat Nord: This area experiences a notable incidence of theft and crime, warranting careful consideration when exploring.

  3. Son Gotleu: Located in the municipality of Inca, Son Gotleu is deemed one of the island's most dangerous neighbourhoods associated with violence and drug trafficking.

  4. El Rafal Nou: Positioned on the city outskirts, El Rafal Nou reports a heightened incidence of theft and crime, particularly after dark.

  5. El Vivero: Also on the outskirts, El Vivero faces frequent theft and crime, notably during nighttime.

  6. El Polígono de Levante: Like the above, El Polígono de Levante encounters regular theft and crime incidents, especially during nocturnal hours.

  7. La Soledat Sud: Another neighbourhood in Palma, La Soledat Sud, is linked to crime and violence, warranting extreme caution. 

It's crucial to note that issues in these areas don't imply universal risk for all visitors or residents. While some neighbourhoods face challenges, practising caution and staying aware of surroundings significantly mitigate risks. In case of danger, immediate contact with local authorities is recommended.

Emergency contacts in Mallorca

Emergency number 112


 Emergencies - 112 (free-of-charge)

Mallorca has a single emergency number—112. This number connects the police, medical service, and fire brigade.

Important: Do not worry if you do not speak Spanish, as operators can take your call in English. The operators of the 112 emergency service in Spain can speak English and Spanish. Language problems should not stop you from calling the police or other emergency services if you need to.


Ambulance - 061

 Civil Guard

 Civil Guard - 062

National Police 

National Police - 091

Municipal police

Municipal police - 092


Palma's Fire Brigade - 080.

Rest of Majorca Fire Brigade - 085

Places to Avoid in Mallorca

coastal view of Cala de Sa Calobra in Mallorca, Spain
the coastal view of Cala de Sa Calobra in Mallorca, Spain

Beyond crime-prone neighbourhoods and areas susceptible to theft, holidaymakers must remain vigilant even in quieter settings. We've compiled a list of places where tourists often display reckless behaviour and find themselves in challenging situations. 

Magaluf: Renowned for its vibrant nightlife, Magaluf draws large crowds, particularly in summer. The bustling atmosphere, while exhilarating, can lead to overcrowded bars and streets. Exercise moderation in Magaluf to avoid the hustle and bustle. 

El Arenal: Known for its lively nightlife scene, El Arenal attracts young adults and couples seeking entertainment. The area comes alive at night with energetic clubs and bars, especially during summer. However, it's essential to recognize the heightened risks after dark, including pickpocketing and intoxicated individuals. Vigilance is critical, particularly in the heart of the nightlife. 

For those fond of nightlife and spirited gatherings, our articles on Mallorca's nightlife offer insights into the island's vibrant scene: "Exploring the Night Fire: A Guide to Mallorca's Nightlife.

Cala Sa Calobra & Torrent de Pareis: Situated in northwest Mallorca, these two adjacent beaches are celebrated for tranquillity. However, their remote location poses inherent risks. 

Adequate footwear and sun protection are essential for the trek to these beaches, as flip-flops may pose a safety hazard. Cala Sa Calobra features a small pebble beach between rocky formations, devoid of typical amenities like sun loungers and refreshment stands. Visitors should prepare accordingly with ample water, snacks, and sun protection. 

Cala Varques: Located on the east coast, Cala Varques has gained popularity recently, attracting crowds of tourists during peak season. Despite its former seclusion, the beach now faces overcrowding due to online publicity. Like Cala Sa Calobra, Cala Varques lacks beach infrastructure, requiring visitors to bring supplies. Accessing the beach involves a 20-30 minute walk through private estates, and local discontent with tourism may lead to road closures. Consequently, summer visits are discouraged due to logistical challenges and overcrowding concerns.

Navigating Safety in Mallorca's Natural Wonders: Tips for Hiking and Swimming Excursions

Man Jumping off Cliffs on Sunny Cala Sa Nau, Mallorca
Man Jumping off Cliffs on Sunny Cala Sa Nau, Mallorca

Mallorca's picturesque landscapes captivate travellers, offering stunning bays, towering cliffs, and intriguing caves, however, amidst its allure lie hidden dangers that warrant careful consideration when planning outdoor activities.

Hazardous Trails

Mallorca boasts an extensive network of hiking trails catering to various fitness levels. Select routes commensurate with your abilities to mitigate risks. Ensure appropriate footwear to prevent accidents, especially in rugged terrain and mountainous areas. When exploring caves like the Cuevas del Drach, adhere to designated paths and heed guidance from experienced guides for a safe experience.

For cycling enthusiasts, our comprehensive guide on Mallorca cycling provides essential information, including maps, routes, and rental options.

Perils of Beaches and Swimming

While most beaches in Mallorca hold blue-flag status for water quality, a few are marked with black flags, indicating potential hazards. In 2022, Portocolom Beach and Port d'Alcúdia Beach posed risks due to deteriorating water quality from nearby pollution sources. By 2023, Colònia de Sant Jordi beach remained the sole black-flagged beach, attributed to improper waste disposal by yacht owners anchoring in the area.

Stay updated on beach safety advisories via the Ecologistas en Acción website. Vigilance is crucial when visiting beaches, as indicated by warning signs and flags signalling hazardous conditions like strong currents or jellyfish presence. Adhere to safety guidelines and seek guidance from local authorities if uncertain.

Mallorca's natural splendour is accessible with prudent measures ensuring your well-being. Delve into the island's beauty while prioritizing safety and respect for the environment. For insights on Mallorca's must-visit locales, explore our guide: Best Places to Stay in Mallorca: What to Visit in 2024

Dangerous Creatures in Mallorca: Animals and Insects to Watch Out For

Processionary caterpillars on nest on a pine tree
Processionary caterpillars on nest on a pine tree

Mallorca boasts a diverse fauna that encompasses benign and potentially hazardous animals and insects. While encounters with poisonous species are infrequent, it's prudent to familiarize yourself with potential risks beforehand.


Springtime in Mallorca often brings encounters with Pine Processionary Caterpillar, which are known for causing severe allergic reactions. These caterpillars, found near pine trees, release tiny hairs that can trigger allergic symptoms like nasal discharge, redness, skin irritation, and, in severe cases, asthma attacks. Avoid touching or approaching these caterpillars to prevent allergic reactions.

Spiders, Scorpions, Scolopendras, and Mosquitoes

Mallorca is home to potentially harmful insects like scorpions, spiders, and blood-sucking mosquitoes and ticks. While their bites may cause discomfort, they generally pose minimal health risks.


Most snakes in Mallorca are non-venomous, with bites causing pain but not life-threatening harm. However, the island hosts two venomous viper species, which typically avoid human contact unless threatened. Stay calm and retreat slowly if encountering a viper, particularly in rocky or bushy areas during the summer.

Poisonous jellyfish in Mallorca

Portuguese Man o'War in the sea
Portuguese Man o'War 

Jellyfish populate the waters around Mallorca throughout the year, with peak abundance occurring in spring and summer. While most jellyfish species pose no serious threat, their stings can be painful, leading to scarring and, in severe cases, necessitating medical treatment. When encountering jellyfish in the water, it's crucial to avoid contact, as their tentacles, which can extend several meters and may be difficult to spot, carry venom. The most dangerous is the Portuguese Man o'War, which looks like an air-inflated bubble with its long tentacles hidden underwater. Burns from the Portuguese Man o'War are very painful, and there are also recorded cases of death after an encounter with it. 

To mitigate risks while swimming, it's advisable to wear protective clothing and steer clear of known jellyfish habitats. Pay attention to beach notices and adhere to any swimming bans. In the event of a jellyfish sting, promptly wash the affected area with vinegar or salt water, followed by seeking medical assistance if necessary.

Encounters with hazardous marine life in Mallorca are infrequent, but exercising caution and avoiding contact with unfamiliar species can help prevent unpleasant incidents. If bitten or stung by any animal or insect, seeking medical attention is prudent to ensure prompt treatment.

Tips for Responsible Behavior During Your Mallorca Vacation

While vacationing in Mallorca offers relaxation and appreciation of the island's splendour, sensible safety measures are essential to avert potential risks. Unfortunately, some tourists, swayed by a mix of relaxation and thrill, engage in reckless behaviour, such as balcony diving into swimming pools or swimming in the sea while intoxicated. These actions not only jeopardize personal safety but also pose concerns for others.

It's vital to recognize that forming new connections under altered states of consciousness may not always be secure. Furthermore, operating a vehicle while impaired is unlawful and heightens the risk of accidents.

Remember, indulging in a holiday in Mallorca doesn't negate the laws of physics or the importance of safeguarding one's well-being. Therefore, we recommend prioritising health and safety, exhibiting care towards oneself and others, and relishing your vacation with prudence and responsibility.

For those seeking enjoyable experiences within a secure setting, explore the Top Beach Clubs in Mallorca and peruse our guide to the island's nightlife.

Avoiding Tourist Mistakes and Pitfalls

Mountain Winding Road on Mallorca

Visitors to Mallorca often encounter common pitfalls from misconceptions about the island, such as restricting visits to the summer months, underestimating the intense heat, and limiting packing to beach essentials. These errors can result in discomfort and missed opportunities to explore the island's diverse offerings.

Travellers can relish a more authentic and rewarding Mallorcan holiday by sidestepping these typical missteps.

  • Practising Responsible Tourism: Understanding Your Impact 

Misstep: Overlooking the adverse effects of mass tourism on the island's resources and environment. 

Tip: Opt for less frequented locales to minimize your ecological footprint and engage in the genuine local ambience. Avoid congested areas that strain natural resources. Embrace cultural respect and environmental stewardship by supporting eco-conscious businesses.

  • Combatting Insects: Preparation for Bug Season 

Misstep: Underestimating the prevalence of insects, particularly mosquitoes, which can disrupt holiday enjoyment. 

Tip: Wear mosquito repellent and suitable attire, especially during evenings and nights, to deter insect bites and maintain comfort throughout your stay.

  • Choosing Accommodations Wisely: Tailoring Your Stay 

Misstep: Settling for accommodation in less-than-ideal locations. 

Tip: Explore Mallorca's diverse regions to match your preferences, whether you are seeking vibrant nightlife, serene beaches, or quaint villages. Consider quieter locales for a truly relaxing getaway, such as: 

●      Cala Vinyas

●       Port Adriano 

●      Camp de Mar

●      Pollenca 

●      Santanyi 

●      Cala Figuera 

●      Porto Cristo 

●      Cala Millor 

●      Costa de la Calma 

●      Puerto Portals 

  • Exploring Beyond Tourist Hubs: Unveiling Hidden Gems 

Misstep: Limiting exploration to mainstream tourist destinations. 

Tip: Venture off the beaten path to discover Mallorca's hidden treasures—secluded villages, clandestine coves, and tranquil corners offer authentic island experiences away from the crowds.

For comprehensive insights into Mallorca's top destinations and accommodations for 2024, delve into our guide to the island's best places to visit and stay - Best Places to Visit and Stay in Mallorca in 2024.

  • Weather Considerations 

Misstep: Failing to anticipate Mallorca's weather extremes can catch newcomers off guard. 

Tip: Prepare for summer temperatures reaching 40°C (104°F) in July and August, with water temperatures reaching 29°C (84°F). Shield yourself from the intense sun. In winter, expect chilly temperatures, especially at night when humidity rises. Dress warmly and protect against the wind. 

Seasonal Activities in Mallorca:

  • Thoughtful Recreation Choices 

Misstep: Overlooking weather conditions when planning outdoor activities. 

Tip: On hot summer days, avoid rigorous mountain hikes or long bike rides to prevent heat exhaustion. Opt instead for water-based activities or shaded explorations.

By avoiding these typical pitfalls, you can fully immerse yourself in Mallorca's beauty and culture, transforming your holiday into an unforgettable experience.

  • Timing Your Evening Meal 

Misstep: Arriving at restaurants during peak dinner hours, resulting in crowded and noisy environments. Dining in Mallorca typically begins late, with locals enjoying their evening meal from 21:00 onwards. 

Tip: For a quieter dining experience, aim to dine earlier, around 19:30 to 20:00, to avoid bustling crowds and ensure better service.

  • Safely Navigating Mallorca's Roads 

Misstep: Underestimating the challenges of driving in Mallorca, including winding roads and busy urban areas. 

Tip: Exercise caution while driving, familiarize yourself with local traffic rules, and watch out for narrow lanes, unexpected turns, and pedestrians. Remember, prioritize safety on the road.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is Mallorca safe for living and visiting? 

Answer: Mallorca is generally deemed safe for residents and visitors, provided basic precautions are taken.

  1. Is it safe to walk at night in Mallorca? 

Answer: Mallorca generally offers safe conditions for nighttime walks, but it's advisable to avoid remote and poorly lit areas. According to, the safety level in Mallorca for 2024 is high.

Safety in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Safety Index


Safety walking alone during daylight           


Very High

Safety walking alone during the night          



*If the value is 0, it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it is perceived as very high.

To minimize risks, it is recommended that taxis be used at night in Mallorca. Uber and local taxi services can be hailed via the app or phone.

Mallorca Taxi Tips: What You Need to Know Before You Go

  • What is the crime rate in Mallorca like? 

Answer: Mallorca boasts a relatively low crime rate. However, vigilance is advised, especially in tourist areas and certain parts of Palma.

  • Where should one avoid staying in Mallorca? 

Answer: It's advisable to avoid staying near popular tourist hubs like the central areas of Palma de Mallorca and Magaluf to avoid noise and overcrowding.

  • What areas to avoid in Palma de Mallorca? 

Answer: Crowded tourist spots like central squares and shopping streets in Palma de Mallorca should be avoided, particularly during peak hours.

  • Where are the most excellent places in Majorca? 

Answer: Cala Figuera stands out as one of the loveliest and most peaceful places in Majorca. It is characterized by its typical fishing village ambience, with white-washed houses and colourful boats dotting a quaint port.

  • What are the quiet parts of Majorca? 

Answer: For tranquillity and seclusion, areas like Cala Figuera offer a serene escape amidst the island's beauty.

  • What are the less favourable parts of visiting Mallorca? 

Answer: Areas like Magaluf and certain sections of Palma, such as Santa Catalina, should be avoided at night due to high noise and activity levels.

  • What are the downsides of tourism in Majorca? 

Answer: Tourism in Majorca presents challenges, including environmental issues, overcrowding, and impacts on local culture and lifestyle.

  • Are mosquitoes prevalent in Majorca? 

Answer: Yes, mosquitoes are abundant in Majorca, particularly during the summer months. They are highly adaptable creatures found on every continent except Antarctica. Using insect repellent is advised.

Consider accommodations in quiet neighbourhoods for insights on optimal lodging experiences in Mallorca.


In summary, Mallorca offers a safe and inviting environment for both tourists and residents. However, to fully enjoy your time on the island and ensure your safety, it is crucial to adhere to behavioural guidelines and prioritize personal safety.

Local Tips for Safety in Mallorca:

  1. Avoid Crowded Areas: Avoid congested spots like Magaluf and central Palma during peak tourist seasons. Opt for quieter locales for a more relaxed experience.

  2. Prepare for Excursions: Before embarking on hikes or outings, acquaint yourself with the route, stay on designated paths, and heed guidance from tour guides. Refrain from risky activities to safeguard your well-being. Stay mindful of weather conditions, protect yourself from the sun, and avoid overheating and dehydration.

  3. Beach Safety: Exercise caution at beaches and while swimming. Observe warning signs, refrain from swimming during storms, and pay attention to sea flags indicating danger. Avoid prohibited areas and cliff jumping, and assess your swimming abilities realistically. Supervise children closely on the beach.

  4. Choose Accommodation Wisely: Research and select accommodations in different neighbourhoods to suit your preferences. Read reviews from fellow travellers or browse social media for authentic insights.

  5. Nighttime Vigilance: Remain alert in nightlife hubs like El Arenal, Magaluf, and Santa Catalina, watching out for pickpockets and intoxicated individuals.

  6. Road Safety: Adhere to traffic regulations while driving, including speed limits and seat belt usage. Never operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  7. Respect Local Culture: Honor Mallorca's traditions and cultural norms to foster positive interactions with locals who deeply value their heritage.

  8. Emulate Local Customs: Immerse yourself in the island's culture by observing and adopting local practices. This may lead to discovering hidden culinary gems and insider tips from residents.

  9. Learn Basic Spanish: Familiarize yourself with fundamental Spanish phrases to facilitate communication and show respect for the local language and culture.

  10. Trust Your Instincts: Prioritize your intuition; if a situation feels unsafe or uncomfortable, remove yourself promptly. Your well-being is paramount, and it is preferable to err on the side of caution.

By adhering to these recommendations, you can enjoy a safe and memorable vacation in Mallorca while appreciating the island's beauty and charm.

For prospective property buyers considering Mallorca, here are some essential tips to assist in the purchasing process:

Homebuyer Advice:

  1. Explore Diverse Neighborhoods: Before finalizing a purchase, thoroughly examine various areas across the island to identify one that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle.

  2. Prepare for Taxes and Legalities: Familiarize yourself with local tax requirements and legal regulations about property ownership to avoid unforeseen complications. 

  3. Collaborate with Local Agents: Engaging with local real estate agents can provide valuable market insights and secure advantageous deals.

For personalized guidance and assistance in Mallorca property transactions, consider Yes! Mallorca Property offers a comprehensive suite of services from property research to transaction completion. 

Secure Deals Assured: Yes! Mallorca Property

Yes! Mallorca Property ensures a secure property transaction process in Mallorca. With over 20 years of industry experience, an extensive portfolio featuring more than 1000 properties, exclusive offers for clients, and a team of highly skilled specialists, we serve as your trusted real estate agency in Mallorca.

Seize the opportunity to purchase a home in Mallorca and embark on a new life chapter. Reach out to Yes! Mallorca Property, the premier authority in Mallorca property transactions. Contact us today and let us handle all aspects of the process on your behalf.

Explore our extensive catalogue of Mallorca properties to discover your ideal investment.

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